Passenger Information Leaflet

The Metro network is a potentially hazardous location. 

1. As you enter the station, hold the door for passengers behind you as the swinging door could injure them.

2. When you go on escalators,  stand on the right hand side facing the direction of travel and hold on to the handrail firmly.  When you arrive at the end, get off the escalator quickly, in order to not inconvenience other passengers behind you.

If you see another passenger fall on the escalator, or if someone’s clothes or items get stuck in the escalator, immediately stop the escalator by turning the “Stop” handle on the balustrade, and inform the on-duty staff.

If an escalator stops abruptly, follow the instructions of the on-duty officer precisely.

If you are in travelling with a trolley-bag, lift it up when getting on and off the escalator.

3. To avoid falling off the platform,  do not cross the safety line at the edge until the arriving train comes to a complete standstill.

4. If you drop any of your things onto the train tracks, inform a Metro employee or a police officer immediately. It is absolutely prohibited to jump off the platform to retrieve your things.

5. If you see someone fall off the platform,  inform a Metro employee or a police officer immediately. Should this happen directly in front of an arriving train, signal the approaching train by moving your arm in a circular motion in clear view of the train driver.

If a passenger should fall off the platform between train cars while the train is at the station, prevent the doors from closing in order to draw the driver’s attention to the incident. Then inform any Metro employee accordingly. If you are inside the train car, press the communication button to connect with the train driver.

6. If you fall on the tracks and find that you are not hurt and can walk, get up immediately.  Do not approach the edge of the platform, instead walk quickly towards the end of the platform. You should be able to see a black-and-white bar by the tracks, approach this. Cross the bar and stand behind it, and you will be safe! Now wait for a Metro employee who will take you out of the tunnel.

If you should hurt yourself after falling from the platform or if you see an approaching train, lie flat in the trench between the rails, face down, with your head facing the oncoming train. If you follow these instructions, the oncoming train will not hurt you. Stay in that position until the train driver or on-duty staff come to help you. Do not try hiding under the edge of the platform or climbing out onto the platform. Along the edge of the platform, there is a power rail, which has an extremely high voltage of 825V; touching it or even approaching it can kill you. Don’t touch any parts of the train itself - they may also be under some voltage.

7. If a passenger happens to become unwell in the train car, contact the train driver immediately via the intercom and inform him about the situation. Do not forget to mention the number of the train car. The driver will then alert the medical team at the next station.

Give first aid to the aforementioned person until the doctor arrives. 

8. If someone should become unwell at the station,  inform any Metro employee, on-duty officer, the station head, a police officer or escalator officer.

Give first aid to the aforementioned person until the doctor arrives.

9. If there should be disorder in the train car, contact the train driver immediately via the intercom and inform him about the situation.  Don’t forget to mention the number of the train car. The driver will then alert the police at the next station.

10. If someone should engage in any disorderly conduct in the lobby or on the platform, please contact any Metro employee or a police officer immediately.


Be watchful and attentive at all times, follow the safety rules to help yourself and others.